Cities and global warming: challenges for urban planning, engineering and social and basic sciences


  • Renato L. S. Anelli Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo



Global warming, Urban planning, Climate change, Sustainability


This article aims to present a transdisciplinary approach to the relationship between climate change and cities. Part of the recognition that the current form of urbanization in large metropolitan regions is a strong agent that promotes global warming, at the same time that it is the locus of the harmful manifestation of the effects of these changes. The change in rainfall patterns, with greater frequency and intensity, in the distribution of rainfall and the phenomenon of heat islands, particularly affects the most precarious settlement areas, where high social vulnerability exposes gigantic contingents of people to constant flood risks, landslides, lack of drinking water and basic sanitation, and diseases caused by excessive heat. The search for environmental sustainability involves this social dimension, requiring from sciences and techniques a transdisciplinary effort for integrated actions that can face the ethical challenge of social inequality among those affected by the harmful effects of climate change.


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How to Cite

ANELLI, R. L. S. . Cities and global warming: challenges for urban planning, engineering and social and basic sciences. Journal of Urban Technology and Sustainability, [S. l.], v. 3, n. 1, p. 4–17, 2020. DOI: 10.47842/juts.v3i1.17. Disponível em: Acesso em: 26 dec. 2024.