Improvement of mechanical properties in composites by using recycled rubber as fine aggregate
Waste tire rubber, Devulcanization, Concrete pavements, Rubberized concreteAbstract
This article addresses the issue of unusable tires, considered hazardous waste due to their long decomposition time and their environmental and public health impacts. It highlights the possibility of reusing these tires in the construction sector, contributing to the circular economy by transforming waste into new products. Environmental certification, such as ISO 14001, is mentioned as a strategy adopted by companies to gain a competitive advantage and attract environmentally conscious consumers. The study also discusses tire recycling for use in polymeric or cementitious matrices, emphasizing the importance of this practice in reducing waste volume. Additionally, it underscores the potential of rubber to improve the thermal and acoustic properties of concrete, presenting a viable and sustainable alternative for the construction industry. The article also contextualizes the importance of these tire waste recycling and reuse practices within the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the 2030 Agenda, which aim to promote environmental sustainability and efficient natural resource management to achieve a fairer and more equitable future.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Mostafa Galal Aboelkheir, Jayme Cardoso da Silva, João Vitor Bezerra Polvora, Juliana Alves Alkmim da Silva, Mirelle Oliveira Gomes

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